Spring Camp 2023: 27th March - 7th April

Enjoy the Powerful Combination of STEM & Sports

This Spring break, allow your child to experience the powerful combination of STEM & Sports.
  • Open to ALL children from 45 days to 6 years old
  • In partnership with Little Legends
Spring Camp Experience

Why STEM and Sports Are a Perfect Mix

An innovative 2-week programme for campers to explore Sports as real-life experiences to drive STEM-based hands-on learning. The key to meaningful learning that can last a lifetime.

Brainpower and physical power go hand in hand!

The subjects we explore in our learning spaces connect with the sports we take part in. In fact, STEM principles are in every facet of every Sport. Connecting subjects children enjoy to Sports and Physical Fitness encourages them to pursue cross-disciplinary and self-motivated learning.

Today's effective STEM pedagogy focuses on creating engaging, kinaesthetic and minds-on experiences. Adding sports to STEM furthers increases interest in these subjects and helps engage children whose learning styles and personal preferences favour active and interpersonal team play.

Bring The Fun To Learning!

Explore the parallels between STEM & Sports and potential learning outcomes


  • Learn early Physics, Maths and the laws of motion with the game of Basketball.

  • Golfing can help us understand simple aerodynamics, angles and engineering.

  • Ball Skills and learning how to throw your best pass is all about aerodynamics and exploring why the shape of a ball really does matters!

  • As players, children work to figure out the rules of game they are playing: they create, test hypotheses using scientific thinking, problem solve and improve performance.

  • Children are supported to use early Maths and Statistics to determine the best scenario to win the game and maximize their odds.
Don’t miss out... Limited spaces.

Register for Spring Camp

Complete the form below to register your child for the ultimate Spring Camp experience